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Social Learning, Creativity Development, Wellness
Education & Childcare


심숙영 교수님 SSCI 논문 게재

관리자 2019-01-21 13:05:23 조회수 328

심숙영 교수님의 논문이 
국제학술지 Journal of Child and Family Studies (SSCI, JCR impact factor 1.588) 2019, issue 1 게재되어 알려드립니다.

- 논문제목: Parental self-efficacy, fathering, and children's behavioral problems in Korea.

- 논문 링크 주소: https://rdcu.be/bhDcg

- 학술지 주소: https://www.springer.com/psychology/child+&+school+psychology/journal/10826